Thursday, 25 November 2010

Edited mock up

After  meeting with the company we found  previous mock up color and layout couldnot match requirements of the Klinik Livsstil.n In order to adjust  the slim figure of a girl previous mock up  was horizontal and have a scroll  function
But the company dont want the scroll  function so we decide to make a web page size of 960 x 680 pixels where we remove the slim figure too.

Color palette

We choose this skin color from the mood board which we make before .
R: 250
G: 248
B : 207
#  faf8cf

R: 218


Mock up

Problem Formulation

Primary Problem
          The primary problem of our project is visual identity because it is a new concept in the market for a dietician who gives guidance and diet therapy for different diseases so; a good platform is necessary which can fulfil the requirements by showing the visual identity of the company.
Secondary Problem
The secondary problem of our project is marketing and advertising tools.  This business (clinic) is more like referring to each other through words to people which promotes the company (dietician).Different type of advertising tools like video, posters etc .

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Final Re edited Mood Board

After 3rd supervision class with Annette we have our final mood board which gives an atmosphere for making the website.It includes the selection of color and mood for the website.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Re edited Mood Board,

After the supervision class we change a picture in our mood board because in the previous one we were using too much strong RGB color.